Deposit Promotion Hub Landing Page

We were tasked with launching four simultaneous deposit promotions at once. Best practice would normally call for a single product/call to action per landing page, and separate customer journeys for each product, in order to create a clear user journey for the customer. However, in this instance, we explored an alternate route to end-goal conversion rather than bottom-of-the-funnel communication methods we've used in the past.
Develop a journey focused on the end user meeting their savings goals, with interactive engagements throughout their journey that would end in product recommendations based off of their needs.
- Define use cases for each product we were promoting, connected to common user needs we've encountered in the past, corroborated with present member feedback.
- Use SEO keyword research to better understand what questions end users were trying to answer when looking online.
- Develop a template for each use case that would allow each product to fit within the same interactive experience, meeting SEO keyword and member feedback needs.
- Design a site that use javascript and css to create a rudimentary level of interactivity focused on the users input and subsequent needs.
- Design ways to hide information and reveal as needed based on the users actions to prevent cognitive overload.
- Develop interactive calculators to give end-users an idea of their savings based on their chosen product type.
20% Conversion rate across all iterations of the website over a 3 month time period (April to June 2023)
Increased scroll depth and click mapping compared to past promotional websites
Increase in new money deposited from traditional banking sources over a 3 month time period (April to June 2023)
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